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Elections for the 2023-2024 School Year will be held at the PTO General Meeting on April 12, 2023

Read below to learn more about the roles within the Indian Hills PTO Board. Interested in a position? Let us know by March 24!

Indian Hills PTO Purpose, Membership, and Officer and Executive Board Member details the Bylaws:


Article 2 - PURPOSE


Purpose of the Indian Hills Elementary School Parent Teacher Organization (hereinafter "Indian Hills PTO") is to improve and expand on each enrolled child's (hereinafter "student") school experience by creating an alliance between the teachers and administrative staff (hereinafter "teacher") and parents/guardians (hereinafter "parent.") 




Section 5.1 - Indian Hills PTO membership will be open to parents and teachers, as defined in Section 2.1, of Indian Hills Elementary School.




Section 6.1 - Qualifications of Officers:

A. An officer must be a member of the Indian Hills PTO

B. No officer shall serve in the same position for more than two consecutive terms. An officer may continue in their position for one year after their term expires, if a replacement cannot be found.

C. No two parties that live together or are related can serve on the Executive Committee simultaneously. 


Section 6.2 - The officers of the Indian Hills PTO will consist of a minimum of President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary. The Executive Board will be made of the officers as defined above, plus 1-5 Members at large.


Section 6.3 - Members-at-Large may include Teacher Liaisons, Communications Chair, Committee Chairs and other positions as needed. 


- Shall preside at all general and special meetings

-Shall coordinate the work of the officers and the committees to facilitate educational and extra curricular activities

-Shall cooperate with the school Principal and maintain a supportive relationship between the school and the Indian Hills PTO

-Shall appoint special committees as needed

-Shall provide a summary year-end report of their year in office to give to the new President at the Joint Executive Board Meeting

-Shall have the power to sign checks

Vice President

- Shall act as an aide to the President(s), upon request, and assume the duties of the President(s) during their absence

Shall have the Indian Hills PTO bylaws on hand at all Executive Board and general meetings

-Shall handle writing all amendments to the Indian Hills PTO bylaws

-Shall preside over membership enrollment

-Shall conduct all correspondence or duties requested by the president(s)

-Shall provide a summary year-end report of their year in office to give to the new Vice President at the Joint Executive Board Meeting

-Shall have the power to sign checks


- Shall record in a permanent form all business transacted at each meeting

-Shall present minutes for approval at the next general meeting

-Shall keep attendance records for all meetings

-Shall conduct all correspondence as requested by the President(s) or Vice President(s)

-In case of the Secretary's absence from any meeting, any Indian Hills PTO member will be appointed to take minutes

-Shall have the Indian Hills PTO bylaws on-hand at all Executive Board and general meetings

-Shall have the power to sign checks


- Will handle all funds of the Indian Hills PTO and will give a financial report of the income and expenses and call attention to any unusual items at all Executive Board and general meetings

-Shall provide a written year-to-date and annual financial statement at each Executive Board and general meeting

-Shall provide upon written request Indian Hills PTO current fiscal year bank statements with account information redacted within 5 business days

-Will maintain and accurate account of all receipts, disbursements, and other pertinent financial information as it pertains to events and purchases sponsored by the Indian Hills PTO.

-Shall disburse fund approved by the Board and any funds approved by the Indian Hills PTO members

-Shall file required tax forms by the IRS deadline, the 15th day of the 5th month following the end of the fiscal year

-Shall provide a written year-end report to the new Treasurer at the joint Executive Board meeting.

(1-5 positions available as needed)

Members-at-Large will take a leadership or co-chair role in one or more committees, projects, or events such as:


-Spirit Gear

-Bears Recycle

-Book Fair Chair

-PTO Website Editor

-Social Media Manager

-Community Service Projects

-After school events (Fall Dance, Movie Night, BINGO, Carnival, etc)

-In-school events (Art tables, recess games, etc)

-Sensory spaces

-Teacher Liaison / Staff Appreciation

-Dine Out Organizer


Members-at-Large should have excellent communication and organization skills and be ready to work with a variety of parents, staff, and outside vendors for the benefit of the Indian Hills Elementary School community.

Voting Eligibility and Election details per the Indian Hills PTO Bylaws:


Article 5 - MEMBERSHIP


Section 5.5 - Any general PTO member is eligible to vote, if present, on any motion at Indian Hills PTO general meetings, except for motions to amend the Indian Hills PTO bylaws and voting in of the Indian Hills PTO executive board. Any general PTO member must attend a minimum of three meetings during the school year to be eligible to vote on the blyaws and executive board member position motions. If an Executive Board or Board Member cannot attend a meeting, they may submit their vote, in writing/email to the President or Vice President. 


Article 7 - ELECTION


Section 7.1 - The President or Vice President shall, at the April general meeting, present a slate of nominees for Executive Board Office. Nominations can also be made from the floor, provided that the consent of the nominee has been given. 


Section 7.2 - The election will follow immediately upon closing of the nominations. Balloting will be by show of hands and/or secret ballot. A simple majority shall constitute an election.


A. In the case of a tie, the two nominees may be asked to co-chair the position.

B. In the case of a tie for the Treasurer position, the incoming officers will cast the deciding vote. 



Questions? Please do not hesitate to reach out!

Indian Hills Elementary School

Parent Teacher Organization


21260 SW Rock Rd

Aloha, OR 97003



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