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Mary Ciula


Section 8.7 – Treasurer

A. Will handle all funds of the Indian Hills PTO and will give a financial report of the

income and expenses and call attention to any unusual items at all Executive Board and

general meetings.

1. Shall email both the president and Vice-President the monthly report if

unable to attend general meeting.

2. If for any reason, Treasurer is unable to provide such report, Treasurer must

communicate such with the President and Vice President.

B. Shall provide a written year-to-date and annual financial statement at each Executive

board and general meeting.

C. Shall provide upon written request Indian Hills PTO current fiscal year bank

statements with account information redacted within 5 business days.

D. Shall have possession of the checks at all times.

1. If absent or unable to serve, the Treasurer shall hand the checks to the

President and Vice President.

2. When the checks exchange hands, the check exchange log must be signed,

dated, and record the last written check.

E. All checks and check request forms shall be signed by two authorized signers that are

not on the payee line.

F. Will maintain an accurate account of all receipts, disbursements, and other pertinent

financial information as it pertains to events and purchases sponsored by the Indian Hills


G. Shall disburse funds approved by the Board and any funds approved by the Indian

Hills PTO members.

H. Shall file required tax forms by the IRS deadline, the 15th day of the 5th month

following the end of the fiscal year.

I. Shall provide a written year-end report to the new Treasurer at the joint Executive

Board meeting.

Mary Ciula

Indian Hills Elementary School

Parent Teacher Organization

21260 SW Rock Rd

Aloha, OR 97003


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