Bears PTO

Raising funds for student and teacher success. Providing family fun and resources.
Events List

Check back here for more volunteer opportunities. Thank you for your help! We appreciate you!!!
Monthly Events Graphic

Here is what's happening this month!
Bears PTO Movie Night

Join us Friday, March 14 for the next Bears PTO Movie Night!
*Due to licensing restrictions, we are not able to advertise the selected movie title online. Be on the lookout for flyers sent home with your students. Thank you for understanding!
Reedville Community

Year at a Glance
January 1-3) No School 8) PTO Meeting 16) Bears Recycle 20) No School 30) Movie Night 31) No School February 3) No School 12) PTO Meeting 14) In Class BINGO Event 17) No School March 12) PTO Meeting 14) Movie Night 20) Bears Recycle 24) No School April 9) PTO Meeting 10) Fun Run 11) No School 17 Bears Recycle May 14) PTO Meeting 15) Bears Recycle 26) No School 29) Book Fair 30) Book Fair & Spring Festival June 12) Last Day of School
in HSD
HSD Calendar