Bears PTO

Raising funds for student and teacher success. Providing family fun and resources.
Bear News/
Principal Update
Dear Families,
We look forward to seeing all families at our fall conferences over the next few days. Please pardon our mess in the hallways as we are installing new bathroom stall partitions in all of our bathrooms. We are more than excited for our new stalls!
Indian Hills students are excited as we start this year's Right Brain Initiative with Alex Addy. Students are learning the five hand techniques of Ghanaian drumming which students will learn to work together to create a strong communal rhythm. Alex Addy comes from a long line of drummers in the Addy family and is the son of Obo Addy. Students will have a chance to perform their Ghanaian drumming with West African rhythms on December 6th. Students in 4th-6th grade will perform from 8:30-9:30 and Kindergarten- 3rd grade's performance is at 1:00-2:00. Parents are always welcome to come see the performance.
Classrooms will be starting our Comprehensive Sexuality Education lessons (which are part of our state standards) this next month. At the bottom of this newsletter I have a parent letter that will explain more information if needed. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to your child's classroom teacher or our office staff.
In partnership,
Katie Thomas
Welcome to Indian Hills
Elementary School!
Home of the Bears

Describe your image

General Information
Principal: Katie Thomas
Office Hours: 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Main Office: 503-844-1350
Attendance: 503-844-1353
Fax: 503-844-1359
​Address: 21260 SW Rock Road, Aloha, OR 97003
Due to the ever-increasing issue of cyber attacks, we are no longer listing staff emails on our website. Please use your Remind, ParentVUE or StudentVUE account to contact teachers or other school-based staff directly. To access school-, program-, or department-specific contact forms, please see our directory of contact forms.

Upcoming Events​
November 25-29: Conferences and Thanksgiving Break
December 6:
Right Brain Performance of Ghanaian Drumming with Alex Addy
4-6th Grade 8:30-9:30 in the gym
Kinder-3rd Grade 1:00-2:00 in the gym
December 7:
Pancakes & Pajamas PTO event 10am-noon
December 11:
PTO Meeting in the library @ 7pm or virtually (see PTO page at the bottom for link)
December 20:
All school Sing-A-Long 1:00-2:00
Before & After
School Activities
Be on the lookout for these formerly offered IHES clubs and activities:
Chess Club
Healthy Kids Track & Field
Homework Club & Test Prep
Math Club: 3rd​
Math Support
Morning Club
OBOB (Oregon Battle of the Books)
Reading Support
STEAM Coding Club
STEAM Gardening Club​
STEAM Maker Club
Student Advisory
Superhero Club
Yearbook Club
Let your classroom teacher know about any clubs your student may be interested in. Watch their backpack for announcements.
* Not all clubs are offered every year and could be subject to change.
2000 SE Century Blvd.
Hillsboro, OR 97123
Phone: 503-844-1800
Fax: 503-844-1825
Where Do We Go
From Here?
Indian Hills Elementary School feeds into Raymond Arthur Brown Middle School, and then onto Century High School.

1505 SE Cornelius Pass Rd.
Hillsboro, OR 97123
Phone: 503-844-1070
Fax: 503-844-1071
Currently HSD elementary schools do not offer an organized sports program. However, schools do offer a variety of clubs. It is best to contact your school to get information or contact the Hillsboro Parks and Recreation department for youth athletic opportunities. The following links have access to community athletic/activity programs by high school feeders. Century, Glencoe, Hilhi , Liberty
Check back here for announcements from Century feeder youth sports clubs and other local activity opportunities.
Hillsboro Girls Softball Association

HGSA is a recreational fastpitch softball program for girls in grades K-12. In addition to the game of softball, our coaches are committed to teaching sportsmanship teamwork, and confidence to each player.
For more info, visit HGSA.net